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You're viewing I - War Cheat Codes

Game Name : I - War
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-26 21:57:51
Views : 23137

Cheat :
Open the IWAR directory on your hard drive. Inside there should be a folder named "PSG". Open it. Inside of the PSG folder there is a folder named "RESOURCE". Open this too. Inside of the "RESOURCE" folder there is a folder named "SCRIPTS". Inside of "SCRIPTS" there should be a folder named "PRECEDENCE". Inside of the "PRECEDENCE" folder there should be a file named "PREC" which you should open with a spreadsheet program, like Excel, and change all the numbers in the "PREC" column to 0, and save. Now you can access all the levels of IWAR from the beginning.

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